About Us

Our Story

We met in college at Central Washington University. Drew previously worked with Alex’s sister at McDonald’s after high school and she encouraged the two of us to meet after she found out we’d both be going to the same school. From the very beginning we hit it off and were inseparable. 

After Alex graduated, we moved about 30 minutes north of Seattle and we were married a couple of years later. That was almost 10 years ago now – in total we’ve been together for fifteen incredible years.

Drew and Alex and their dogs


Alex grew up in Olympia, WA with his parents, older brother, and sister. There were lots of occasions he saw cousins and extended family and holidays are still huge events with many kids underfoot. As a kid, he was more of an academic rather than an athlete, and always had a knack for computers.

He has a degree in Actuarial Science (think: math + finance + statistics) and currently leads a team of data engineers for a large internet company. He works from home full time and has a flexible schedule.

His parents are now retired and travel all over the country in their RV and would love to come stay and help care for a grandchild. In the longer term, Drew and Alex intend to move back to Washington to be closer to extended family including all the cousins, nieces, and nephews.

Alex is a nerdy computer guy and enjoys coding and video games in his spare time. But he also likes being handy, woodworking, and building things.


Drew grew up in the Pacific Northwest with his younger brother, two younger sisters, and their mother.

Single-parent households can be tough, but his mom always found a way to keep them tight. Most of them played sports, so there was always a game, practice, or match they were attending, and they almost always went together. This created a bond they all share to this day.

Sixteen years ago their mother adopted their baby sister and she is one of the greatest parts of the family. They love her with all our hearts and truly couldn’t imagine our family without her.

After graduating high school, Drew spent the first two years in Minnesota at a private Christian university. It was there that he was able to take his love of Spanish and the Latin American culture to the next level when he got the opportunity to study abroad and live in Mexico and then in Guatemala for five months. It was life-changing and something he thinks about often.
Not long after returning home, he and Alex met.
His support system includes family and friends here in Colorado, and even more back in Washington.

He works in insurance for USAA, supporting our military members and their families.

Hammer Throw
